At Whole Healing Space we believe that in order to better serve and love others, it is necessary to first serve and love ourselves. We must be able to step into our own internal whole healing space with unconditional love for ourselves and bring healing to ourselves. When we fail to care for ourselves we can't be the best version of ourselves and we then deprive our fellow beings of the amazing love and healing that we are truly able to offer.
We believe that once an individual begins to lean into self-love and self-healing the effects trickle and permeate into our families. This in turn ignites love and healing within each individual of the family and has an uplifting, profound affect on all relationship connections.
We believe that the family is an integral part of the community and as such impacts the community at large. As families grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually this growth expands into the community, creating a space in which people can engage in genuine connections with those around them. The better we feel the more we want to help others to feel better, and the more connected we become as a community.
Whole Healing Space is accepting of all beings, regardless of race, religious beliefs, gender identification, sexual orientation, political stance, ethnicity, etc.
We are LGBTQIA+ friendly, pet friendly, all living beings friendly!
Whole Healing Space has made the commitment to provide free healing services or donations to local non-profit organizations each month in order to support our local community. We have chosen to offer this to non-profit organizations focusing on human/social services, animal care/protection, and environmental stewardship.
Just as I am not separate from you, and you are not separate from me, we are not separate from the Earth. As we embark on our journey of self-healing we begin to attune to the truth of who we are and are awakened to the realization that WE ARE EARTH. Not only are we composed of the same elements, but we came from Earth and to Earth we shall return. As we grow and develop biologically we depend upon the fruit of the Earth to provide us with all that we need to survive and thrive. The electromagnetic energy that fuels our bodies functions best and is most balanced when in harmony with the Earth's energy. In essence, the healing of ourselves, our families and our communities, manifests as healing for our Mother Earth as well.